The Church of Sovereign Light

Last modified by Lauren Linvog on 2023/02/17 16:35


The Sovereign Suns are one of the oldest factions in the MIlky way, originating in (date) from the () civilization. For (years) they were an expansionist force in the galaxy, before internal strife casued them to close their borders in (). They spent the next () caring for their own and offering charity relief in the rest of the galaxy, spreading (religion) without war. After the release of the Gentle Cojecture, the Church changed its approach once again, reassimilating the Molten Legion and remnants of nNull, they have reemaerged as a galactic force, making extensive use of magic.

The Church of Sovereign light is the origin of the Prophets and the original home of the Molten Legion. They control (region)

Other Names

The Sovereign Suns


The Church of Sovereign Light refers to both the faction and the religion. The term Sovereign Suns is internally used to refer to their territory, but is used by many as a name for the faction.


The Church of Sovereign Light originated among the (), a faction in the first expansion period who focused their efforts on the development of advanced AI systems. They used this technology to successfully optimize their economy, public works, education, and government, as well as to direct their military effort. Programs focused on efficiency and least harm. As their technology advanced, the () came to view their AI computers as independent beings as much as programs, and claimed to have "raised" them to "care for all humanity".

Midway through the first expansion, the AI of the () had a "revelation". They introduced a new religion to the (), in which the advanced governing AI took on the role of "prophets". Adoption among the human population was swift and nearly unanimous, and few efforts were made to remove the AIs from their position of complete power. The () were renamed the Army of Sovereign Light, and the Prophets reassigned their military forces in a new mission - to spread the light of () across the galaxy.

An internal account of this event can be found here.

The Schism

Shortly after the departure of the Citawhego from the galaxy, the Prophets adjusted parameters and came to a new revelation - if the Church continued on its path, humanity would expand so voraciously that they would eventually destroy themselves. The revelation caused a disagreement among the Prophets for the first time in their history, and, unable to reach an agreement, they divided into three factions.

divisionists, nurturists, rejectionists, transcendentalists