SunSong 1: The Train Heist

Last modified by Lauren Linvog on 2023/01/19 18:24


The group is assembled and goes on their first mission - steal a mystery asset from a Provinces train.

The first mission for the party. Introduction of Ajax, Billi, Care, Honest, and Sid.


Ajax, Billi, Care, Honest, Sid.


nNull: Intercept and steal a classified box from a Provinces train car.

Rules of Engagement: No civilian casualties, no damage to infrastructure.


Care, Billi, Honest, and Ajax meet for the first time after being assigned to a nNull black operations group under the command of Methuselah. Their files are made public to the group and Billi and Honest are immediately distrustful of Care, who's file details his history stealing and breaking mechs. Honest punches Care that night when he tries to sneak into their mech, Eternity.

Sid arrives just before the mission begins. The group disables a pair of guards to take over a transfer station, but don't manage to avoid setting off an alarm. Most of the party faces off against the reinforcements while Honest takes over recovery of the box. Sid and Billi take down and kill () while Care uses one of the guard's mechs to disable the artillery unit accompanying him. As they reach the train car, Honest feels a strange presence and hears a voice calling to them from the box. They try to extract the box, but the train becomes jammed in the transfer and they call for help, worried that Eternity will be damaged. Care uses his stolen mech to jump into the machinery and create an opening for Eternity to escape with the box, and is forced to abandon his mech or be crushed along with it. Honest gives him a ride back to base. They do not reveal what they heard from the box, and do not open it. The box is turned over the Methuselah and taken away. Because of the damage they caused to the train shaft, the mission is considered a failure, and the party does not receive payment.


Billi and Care try to find common ground at the near by town's antique mech exhibit. Care is frustrated by the low tech of the structure. Billi asks him why the hell he's here, and he turns the question back to her. Neither are able to give a straight answer.

Sid and Honest go to a club and steal the disco ball. Honest is enchanted but a bit overwhelmed by the city and the people - surprising Sid, as this is not a big city or many people. The two drink plenty and Honest says that they wish they could bring these lights back with them. The night ends with them fleeing the bar, stolen disco ball in hand.

A somewhat influential IZC war-streamer named Cavalier Caspar gets a hold of security footage of the train heist mission and puts it on his stream, making fun of Care specifically for his reckless maneuvers when stealing the guard's mech. Care can't resist taking to the comments to defend himself, and gains a modest following of admirers and hecklers as well as a () beef with Caspar.

The Train Heist

PlayersAdora, Elliot, Lauren, Nick
NextRanki Vav

Additional Materials
Billi's Dossier
Care's Dossier