Lost Worlds 0: Briefing

Last modified by Lauren Linvog on 2023/05/23 11:32


The group is brought together to hear the mission pitch, but not all are excited about it


Federation of Lost Worlds: Get briefed, idiots.


Each of the members are called in to see Macro. Corvus and Annie arrive at his office on a rainy night to find Marion already there. They are called into Macro's office, a large space made cramped by the number of bookshelves and filing cabinets, as well as a large talk of water int he corner.

Macro greets them tiredly and gets down to business. He says that months ago, Corvus submitted a grant request for his expedition into the lost worlds. He explains that the request was rejected, but caught his attention, and when he saw an opportunity recently, he seized it. He has only gotten about half of what Corvus initially asked for, but it's better than nothing, and he wants to know if the people in the room are interested. Corvus immediately says yes, and prompts the other attendees to do the same. They ask for more answers.

Macro begins outlining the situation - the effort to defend the borders of the Federation from the Trust is going badly, and it is just a matter of time until the Federation falls to them. Meanwhile, the Federation can't hope to reach most of the planets they claim - they guess that only 12% of the worlds in the "Lost Worlds" proper are contacted, and maybe half of those actually have significant federation presence. Added to that, recently they have been getting disturbing signals from the most remote planets - listening stations are going quiet, signals are going dead with no indication of why. There are whispers that the () are the cause, finally returning from their long exile to reclaim what they left behind.

The Federation wants two things from this expedition. First, for the team to reach deep space and send back definitive answers about what is happening at the edges of their territory. And second, for them to act as an outreach and investigatory mission, contacting remote worlds in search of support, material, or secrets that might give the Federation a new foothold in their losing war.

At this point Raleigh rushes in, breathless and soaked from his trip here. He introduces himself loudly and officially and is asked to sit down by Macro, who explains that he is the final member of the team. Marion asks Raleigh how old he is and he says that he is fifteen. The three adults all turn and look at Macro. Macro asks Raleigh how many times he requested to be sent on a mission to the deep Lost worlds. Raleigh replies, "Fifty nine, sir." Macro lets that sink in, then explains that they can't exactly afford to be refusing enthusiastic volunteers - and besides, they'll need someone to take care of things the other three are to important to do.

Marion reluctant again, Macro says he will give a better overview of what they are facing.

The deep Lost Worlds are a bit of a wild west. Internally, there are the Artisans,  an anarchist coalition who cause endless problems for the federation. There isn't a good way to gauge their threat level, because they aren't a monolith and different groups have different relationships with the Feds, from fight on sight to uneasy truce. At this point, Macro estimates that the Artisans control more deep territory than the Federation.

Besides that there are incursions from the other factions - the Trust is sneaking in to extract resources from anything they can reach. The Sovereign Suns have been sighted in various systems, leaving empty temples to Vedhura behind. And a princess of the the Provinces has gotten into a few scuffles with Federation forces, though she seems to have a mission other than fighting them.

Hearing how many factions are involved, Marion asks if it will be common knowledge that Corvus is with them. Macro is a little annoyed with the question, asking if she is worried about him being targeted. She says yes, and he replies that they are going to be targets no matter what they do.

At this point he checks with the group again to hear answers. Raleigh is an enthusiastic yes, and Annie says she reckons she can keep this group alive. Marion is quiet. Corvus is frustrated, and says that they can just ask someone else. Macro replies that she is the best. Corvus argues that they just need someone, not the best, but Macro insists that for her role, they do. Raleigh suggests another well known journalist - Julas Marcon - which makes Marion (). Macro admits that he is the second choice due to his expeditionary experience, but that Marion's anthropological and political background make her the clear pick. Marion hesitates, then asks Macro if he is alright with this group being the Federation's first contact with groups in the deep Lost Worlds. He says that's why they want her. She laughs and says fuck it, it's not like there's anything keeping her here anyway.

Corvus asks when they leave. Macro says tomorrow, and tosses Corvus the keys to a ship. It's an old model that's been refurbished for their journey, capble of long haul faster than light travel, beautiful but a bit of a fixwer upper. Marion objects on the grounds of outfitting time and cost, and Macro gives them a rush line for requisitions.

Macro gives them next steps - This is a confidential expedition, and they need to prepare for departure quickly and quietly, and know they will face consequences if it leaks. Raleigh will not be allowed to return to the recruit barracks and will be expected to report straight to the ship for quarters. Annie is to report to (Senior) Arbit Woods for a meeting before they depart. Corvus must collect his things from the lab, and will be allowed to say goodbye to his colleagues, who will likely be the at home lab for their expedition.

They trickle out onto the street, and Corvus has a moment to celebrate their victory in the empty hall before Raleigh runs into them and reminds them that he needs to tag along with them in order to get onto the ship. Annie comes out and Corvus tries to give her the job, but she says she has a meeting to go to as well. Finally, Marion, who stayed behind to get a few more details from Macro, emerges, and Corvus sheepishly offers the keys to the ship and the attached child to her. She rolls her eyes and takes them, already asking Raleigh if he has clothes for this. The group exchanges contact information, and Corvus departs, leaving them with the assurance that they won't regret this decision. As he disappears into the night, Raleigh shakes his head and says that Corvus doesn't know much about war.


Player Characters


  • Macro
  • Julas Marcon
  • Arbit Woods Sr.


CampaignLost Worlds
PlayersCourtney, Elliot, Elizabeth, Lauren
NextThe Embassy Incident

Additional Materials