Stealing the Throne

Last modified by Courtney on 2023/11/25 16:53


Artisans mount a daring attempt to steal the Curtana.


Assigning Faction:

  • The Artisans

Rules of Engagement:

  • fuck shit up


A small, rickety ship Slips into an isolated, long abandoned system, landing hard on a planet covered entirely in water.  Five individuals exit the ship, making their way towards the only structure on the planet, a massive research facility.  Their goal? Steal the Curtana, tricentennial mech belonging to Fortuna Bellicose, undermining the Province's authority and giving the Artisans a powerful weapon.

The Curtana [history of the mech here, from solstice snowden up to the commission of the Tricents]. It can adapt to any paradigm, is a widely known symbol of power and authority, and has almost unmatched martial capabilities. After the battle of the Elysium Ring Gate, the Curtana crash landed on [PLANET NAME?].

[PLANET NAME] is a shallow sea, whose artificial moon creates a powerful tide. [PLANET NAME] has a small population of synthetic researchers powered by hydroelectricity from the tides. The moon was moved long ago, stopping the tides and powering down the researchers and their station, until Fortuna moved it back, earning their loyalty.

 Word spread quickly through the Artisans that the Curtana was separated from her fleet, alone and as vulnerable as the mech was likely to get. Enter our thieves:

Seafor, he/him, (eoin). “straight shootin, darn tootin, sonfabitch, has escaped prison multiple times” Soft dorito shape, early thirties Brought up as an Artisan Wears a tactical vest and shorts
Risk, she/they (ben) Seal person with giant big wet eyes, Foci, psychic powers, horny and gay, eager to prove herself, Comes with the approval of the Weaver Reborn, Wearing tactical gear
Steps Lively Lithely, she/they (Courtney) Older, lifelong Artisan, born on Nesh but well traveled Extensive facial piercings
Myre, it/its (travis) Blob of electroconductive gel, moves like flubber, backpack sized Been with Artisans 5-10 years
Jubilee, they/them, Synthetic, humanoid, mix of metal and synth skin, smallish, indeterminate gender Quiet, been with Artisans a long time Dresses like a little emo boy,

Obstacle 1: our ship sucks, barely Slips into the system, we land directly before a high tide. During a high tide most curtana systems shut down, making any signals we give extra visible
We approach the massive research facility that houses the Curtana, riding stealth jetskis
Thief: julibee, master of infiltration
Is designed not to emit signals, has a backpack/faraday cage for Myre
We uses cooling sources of heat and electricity to disguise our approach, aiming to get in via a water intake
Our intake hatch was blocked, but Jubilee sets us up so that we use the wave to bust teh hatch open
We get a little battered, but make it through
Obstacle 2: we’re in the facility, but it’s designed to move with the wave, it detaches from the sea floor
Thief: Risk, master of gut feeling
The facility is loose blocks that move within the facility, almost floating inside around a central hub
Risk leads us through these hallways, waiting until the instinctive right moment
Maintenance machines are also coming online, half a dozen workers begin to approach
Risk concentrates, we begin to hear an alarm from outside the facility, distracting the workers
Risk gets the impression there is a conscious mind approaching, its’f fortuna
Risk rapidly redirects us
As we try to navigate, we encounter a very narrow window of opportunity to cross a gap, risk needs to convince everyone to go right now!
Steps and Jubilee hesitate, but Risk takes Steps’ hand and imparts wordless conviction, convincing her, whose approval convinces Jubilee
Obstacle 3: the contenders encounter an armed squad
Thief: Seafor
Seafor booby traps the hallways
Another squad appears
Seafor begins to secrete explosive fluids,
This makes a bunch of noice
Seafor leads the facility on a wild goose chase, increasing the chaos level but
Obstacle 4: the curtana was locked down,
Thief: Myre, master of systems
Squeezing in everywhere, coating the wires,turning the locks off
Small horde (9) of repair droids appear, having detected a problem in the wiring
Myre absorbs the droids, begins to take them apart
A large scaffolding bit falls away from the curtana, but towards us
Myre’s attempts to reclamp and secure the scaffolding, succeeds
Obstacle 5: we cross the remaining scaffolding, Fortuna stops us halfway
Thief: Steps, master of manipulation
Steps and fortuna fight, but steps gets close enough to touch fortuna
Creates an emotional connection, incapacitating fortuna with grief, pain, regret
Fortuna stabs Steps
Steps locks the emotions into fortuna
Obstacle 6: the crown goes flying as they fall, landing precariously, someone needs to retrieve it
Thief: Jubilee, master of infiltration/exfiltration
Jubilee does ninja shit, pursuing the crown
Dodges military, grabs the circlet, jump the gap to the Curtana
In lieu of Steps piloting the curtana, it was decided that Jubilee would take that place, so, in lieu of Steps being there, Jubilee takes the circlet
Has a brief conversation with Apollo, he says they’ll do
The contenders take up roles
Jubilee has activated the system
Myre begins to pilot, directly interfacing
Risk is navigating
Seafor takes the weapons/sword
There’s a remaining gravitational lock on the curtana’s ankle
Seafor uses the flying sword to to break it
Myre is tainted by Apollo’s personality, Apollo is tainted by Myre
Connection increases the mechs speed and responsiveness
We’re attempting to get into orbit, but are taking heavy fire from the residents, things are going too slow
Jubilee asks Apollo to access targeting, Apollo does, sending out pinpoint rays to obliterate ground targets
The contenders reach space, and then there is a shuddering in the fabric of reality, an enormous “ship” appears: enormous, c-shaped, “you have taken something that does not belong to you, hand it over and we’ll spare your lives”
Jubilee responds: “our lives are nothing in the shadow of this event”
Risk summons her guardian ice dragon, it takes the blow (a beam of light) meant for the Curtana
The Curtana escapes, what now?
The Contenders use the Curtana, destroying ships of colonizers
Fortuna inside the c-shaped ship, being tended to by two humans
A fat Black woman, tall man with a circlet and chinese-inspired armor

Curtana's History:
Solstice snowden built a bunch of mechs that had AI systems, could voltron together. When voltroned, created a super AI with a core. Was persephone, also the Hera. Billi switched them out, also did shit with the Hades, (kind of a prophet??), who is now in charge of the Orion company
Hades sold off the persephone, apollo, and hades, athena, and others to the forge unrepentant
Those got put into the tricents
Apollo went to curtana, speed
Persephone about controlling other mechs, the blood rose
Athena, has a big ass shield ,

Curtana's abilities: can get really hot. Has a big big sword, no point, possessed by the soul of the pantheon
Reasons to steal it:
3. It adapts to paradigms (even the new ones)
2. It’s a massive fucking war machine
1. It’s a symbol of power and authority

Note: the weaver reborn
She’s action oriented, doesn’t make speeches, but when she does speak changes lives
We’re all pro weaver reborn, consider ourselves friends of the weaver
Goal is to violently expel the factions, (shoot anyone whose hands are on the wheel) the only way we stay free is to kill anyone who comes along to take it
(one of the many messiahs of this season)
Has been active for around a decade (unrelated: around the time Annie left home)



Player Characters

  • Seafor
  • Risk
  • Steps Lively Lithely
  • Myre
  • Jubilee


  • Fortuna Bellicose
  • The Weaver Reborn

Stealing the Throne

CampaignLost Worlds
PlayersCourtney, Lauren, Travis, Benjamin, Eoin
SystemStealing the Throne

Additional Materials
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